CLM Insights: Interview with David Shambaugh
David Shambaugh, China's Leaders: From Mao to Now (Cambridge, UK: Polity Press, August 31, 2021), 416 pages. ISBN-13: 978-1509546510...
CLM Insights: Interview with David Shambaugh
The Myth of Authoritarian Superiority: China’s Response to Covid-19 Revisited
Threading the Needle: Balancing Security and Development in the 14th Five-Year Plan
Xi’s Anti-Corruption Campaign: An All-Purpose Governing Tool
Continuous Purges: Xi’s Public Security Apparatus and the Changing Dynamics of CCP Elite Politics
The Saohei Campaign, Protection Umbrellas, and China’s Changing Political-Legal Apparatus
A Death Long Feared: How China Decided to Impose its National Security Law in Hong Kong
CLM Insights Interview with Xueguang Zhou